Nama group: Bangtan Boys,
Juga dikenali sebagai : BTS,
Bilangan ahli: 7 orang
Agency: BigHit Entertainment
Genre: Hiphop
Debut: 12 Jun 2013
Nama Fanclub: A.R.M.Y stands for Adorable Representative MC for Youth
Lightstick: Army Bomb
Dark & Wild
Wake Up
Official Website :
Official Blog:
Official Fancafe:
Official Youtube channel:
Official Twitter:
Official Twitter for BTS:
Official Facebook page :
Official Weibo:
Official Soundcloud:
Official Vine:
Official Schedule:
Official BTS Shop :
Star Navercast:
Wikipedia page:
Variety Show:
Rookie King
Weekly Idol
American Hustle Life (AHL)
Fansite Bangtan ( Active updated 150101):
※ OT7
7th Heaven | @bts7thheaven (inactive)
Chocolate Box BTS | @chocolateboxbts
Go for It!!! | @GOFORIT_39124 (inactive)
Eternal Snow | @eternalsnow_613
Honey & Bear | @honeynbear
Love on Top | @BTS_LOVEONTOP
Milk Tea | @mkt_bts
Clattering Suga @bts_minsuub
Mischief Managed | @mischief_bts
XXX @bbts69xxx
Walk Along BTS | @walkalongbts
사랑받는방탄 | @amy_130613
※ Jin
10seconds | @jin10seconds
12월의너에게 | @DecemberJIN1204
Bittersweet | @bts_jincom
Cosmic Bloom *Jin and V* | @JINVcom
Dream Jin | @dreamjin1204
ImaJin | @1204imajin
Improving Jin | @improving_Jin (inactive)
It Must be Fate | @it_must_be_FATE
Jin dot com | @1204JIN_com
JINism | @921204_J
Jinindeyeo | @JININDEYEO
Jin Star | @likejinstar (tumblr)
Jin Suga Factory *jin and suga* | @JnSFactory REST
Jin Time | @_Jintime
JINgle Bell | @jinglebell1204
Kaleidoscope | @kaleidoscopejin
Kiss Jin | @KISSJIN92
Light in the Night | @light_jin1204
Marshmallow *jin and suga* | @marshmallow9293
Miracles *Jin Suga* | @miracles9293
Minime House *Jin Jimin* | @1204_1013
My Way | @MYWAY1204
Mo’ better sunshine | @BTS_blueJIN
Pink Piece | @pinkpiece_jin
Pink Ade | @pinkade_jin
Pink Mario | @pinkmario_1204
Radiant | @Radiant_Jin
SENSATION | @sensation1204
Sweet Dream | @sweetdream_jin
※ Suga
Camera Boy | @19930309_net
Caffeine Suga | @CaffeineSuga REST
Candystore | @candystore0309
Cha Cha | @chacha9339
Chu?Chu!Chu♡ *Suga V Jeongguk* | @939597_chu
Drive Me Crazy! | @DriveMeCrazy_SG
It’s Your Day! | @itsyourday0613
Love Recipe | @LOVERECIPE0309
Jin Suga Factory *jin and suga* | @jnsfactory (tumblr)
Keep Going *jhope suga* | @keepgoing_bts
Make Me Glossy | @MakeMeGlossy
Marshmallow *jin and suga* | @marshmallow9293
Miracles9293 *Jin Suga* | @miracles9293
Mischievous Sugar | @mischievous0309
Mr.309 | @_Mr309 REST
Muse | @BTS930309_com
My Best Musician | @MBM_Suga
My Sweet Golden | @mysweetgolden
Peach Blossom | @SUGAV_NET REST
Real Recognize Real | @MINREALSUGA
Shooting Boy | @shootingboy_sg
Show Me! | @sgshowme
Spring Suga | @spring_suga
SUGA Attraction | @SUGAattraction
Suga Maximum | @Suga_Maximum
Suga Port | @Sugarport_0309
Su Can Fly | @suga930309com
SuStar | @SuStar39
Sweet Strike! | @sweetstrike_
※ J-Hope
218 | @218_Jhope
Brilliant Violet | @_violet218
Chubby Puppy | @CHUBBYPUPPY94
Dear Hope | @DearHOPE94
First Crush | @First_Crush218
Gene of Hope | @geneofHOPE
Ho!B | @HO_B0218 (inactive)
HOPEfulMINutes *jimin jhope* | @hopefulminutes
Hope’s Miraculous | @Miraculous_Hope
HopeSmiling | @HopeSmiling0218
Hope Tree | @19940218_net
Hope World | @19940218_com
Hopin’ | @19940218in
Haebalagi | @Haebalagi_2018
Hope in Love | @HOPEINS2
J-Hope Star | @jhopestar (REST- still pretty active though?)
Keep Going *jhope suga* | @keepgoing_bts
Lilas Hope | @Lilas_hope
Punchline | @x940218x
Swag Boys! *rapmon jhope* | @swagboys94
※ RapMon
Beautiful Dark Twisted | @rapmonster_net
Chapter 912 | @Chapter912
Citrus of September *Rapmon Jeongguk* | @Citrus_Sep
Hide and Seek | @rapmonnet
Just, Like | @BTS_t_t
Keep Rockin’ | @_keeprockin
Love, Guyz | @luv_guyz_BTS
Limited Edition | @limited_RM
Monster Mania | @199412mon
Minimoni *Rapmon Jimin* | @MINIAMONI
BORN TO SEXY | @0613_0912_com
Satellite | @19940912_com
Spectrum | @Hegemony9412
Supia | @RM_Supia
Swag Boys! *rapmon jhope*| @swagboys94
Too Much | @toomuch_RM
※ Jimin
Awesome 95 *jimin v* | @awesome_95s
Addiction | @addiction1013
AfterImage | @afterimage95
COMMAND! | @command1013 REST
Honeywater | @honeywater_jm
HOPEfulMINutes *jimin jhope* | @hopefulminutes
Grand Bleu | @grandbleu1013
JamJam | @parkjamjam_kr
J of October | @j_of_october
Jiminade | @jiminade_
Killing Groove | @jm19951013_com
Mellow J | @mellow_951013
MINingful Moment | @miningfulmoment
Minimoni *Rapmon Jimin* | @MINIAMONI
Mint P | @0613_1013_com
MIX MATCH *V and Jimin* | @MIXMATCH95
Mystic | @Mystic_951013
Mystic Feel | @25_jimin
Petit Prince *Jimin V Jeongguk* @Petit_prince3
Poco a poco | @poco_jimin
Some | @951013SOME
Soulmate Jimin | @19951013_net
Spotlight on Jimin | @spotlight951013
Vitamin *Jimin and V* | @VitaMIN_95
Yo! PJM | @yo_pjm_com
Zeronine | @jimina_kr
시월의선물 | @see_sun95
두소년 | @twoboys_vm
※ Taehyung
12시30분 | @V12_30
At The Moment | @kimtaetaeV_V REST
Awesome 95 *jimin v* | @awesome_95s
Baby V | @babyv1230
Be Ma Bebe | @taehyung_net
Berry in the Muffin *v jeongguk* | @berrymuffin9597
Cheese??V!! | @btscheeseV
Chu?Chu!Chu♡ *Suga V and Jeongguk* | @939597_chu
Cosmic Bloom *Jin and V* | @JINVcom
Code Name V | @0613_1230_com (inactive)
Crazy Play | @crazyplay1230
Eh Eh V | @EHEH_V
HaruHaru | @haru951230 REST
Heart of V | @S2ofV
Limelight | @limelight_v
King of the Heart | @king_oftheheart
Man of the Match | @V_ManOftheMatch
MIX MATCH *V and Jimin* | @MIXMATCH95
Night Breeze @TAETAEcokr REST
Peach Blossom | @SUGAV_NET
Petit Prince *Jimin V Jeongguk* @Petit_prince3
Pure Boy | @TO_PureBoy
Readymade V | @readymade_v
Runningtime V | @runningtime_v
Sweetest Choco *V and Jeongguk* | @_sweetchoVJK [REST]
TaehyungA | @TaehyungA_com
TaeTae Land (video) @TAETAELAND
To My Darling | @TO_MY_DARLINGV
Twinkle Star @Twinklestar1230
Vcember | @Vcember1230
Velicitas | @Velicitas1230
Vitamin *Jimin and V* | @VitaMIN_95
Vcause | @Vcause951230
V Ma Best | @19951230net
VMABOY | @Vmaboy_95
V Mine | @v_mine_net
VStar | @V_star95
VTaeTaeKook (video) | @vtt_kook
Vivid Virus (Video) | @VividVirus_V
Winter Glow | @winterglow95
※ Jungkook
Backspace | @backspace0901
Berry in the Muffin *v jeongguk* | @berrymuffin9597
Blanc Blanc | @blancblanc_0901
Chu?Chu!Chu♡ *Suga V Jungkook* | @939597_chu
Citrus of September *Rapmon Jeongguk* | @Citrus_Sep
Direct Kill | @DirectKill
Eternal Stop | @ETERNALSTOP
Eighteen | @eighteenjk
Fortune | @kook_19970901
GoldRabbit | @GoldRabbit_0901
Handmade Cookie | @cotton_jk
Happy Bunny | @HAPPYBUNNY_JK
Hi, Spring | @hi_springjk
I’m Your Nuna | @iamyour970901
KOOKIERUN | @0613_0901_com
Kookparazzi | @KOOKPARAZZI
Kimbap Jungkook | @19970901_JK
Little Golden | @LittleGolden97
Loved My Dear | @Mydear_kook
oneday_ | @bts_ii
Petit Prince *Jimin V Jeongguk* | @Petit_prince3
Red Blossom | @RedBlossom_jk
Romantic Page | @RomanticPage901
SHINE BRIGHT | @SB_19970901
Snow Peach | @JUNGKOOKcokr
Stick With You | @StickwitU_jk
Sweetest Choco *V Jeongguk* | @_sweetchoVJK [REST]
Two J | @Twoj_0529
VTaeTaeKook (video) | @vtt_kook
Your Nation | @oyurnation_jk
WarmStar | @WarmStar_JK
Wild For the Night | @19970901cokr
7th Heaven | @bts7thheaven (inactive)
Chocolate Box BTS | @chocolateboxbts
Go for It!!! | @GOFORIT_39124 (inactive)
Eternal Snow | @eternalsnow_613
Honey & Bear | @honeynbear
Love on Top | @BTS_LOVEONTOP
Milk Tea | @mkt_bts
Clattering Suga @bts_minsuub
Mischief Managed | @mischief_bts
XXX @bbts69xxx
Walk Along BTS | @walkalongbts
사랑받는방탄 | @amy_130613
※ Jin
10seconds | @jin10seconds
12월의너에게 | @DecemberJIN1204
Bittersweet | @bts_jincom
Cosmic Bloom *Jin and V* | @JINVcom
Dream Jin | @dreamjin1204
ImaJin | @1204imajin
Improving Jin | @improving_Jin (inactive)
It Must be Fate | @it_must_be_FATE
Jin dot com | @1204JIN_com
JINism | @921204_J
Jinindeyeo | @JININDEYEO
Jin Star | @likejinstar (tumblr)
Jin Suga Factory *jin and suga* | @JnSFactory REST
Jin Time | @_Jintime
JINgle Bell | @jinglebell1204
Kaleidoscope | @kaleidoscopejin
Kiss Jin | @KISSJIN92
Light in the Night | @light_jin1204
Marshmallow *jin and suga* | @marshmallow9293
Miracles *Jin Suga* | @miracles9293
Minime House *Jin Jimin* | @1204_1013
My Way | @MYWAY1204
Mo’ better sunshine | @BTS_blueJIN
Pink Piece | @pinkpiece_jin
Pink Ade | @pinkade_jin
Pink Mario | @pinkmario_1204
Radiant | @Radiant_Jin
SENSATION | @sensation1204
Sweet Dream | @sweetdream_jin
※ Suga
Camera Boy | @19930309_net
Caffeine Suga | @CaffeineSuga REST
Candystore | @candystore0309
Cha Cha | @chacha9339
Chu?Chu!Chu♡ *Suga V Jeongguk* | @939597_chu
Drive Me Crazy! | @DriveMeCrazy_SG
It’s Your Day! | @itsyourday0613
Love Recipe | @LOVERECIPE0309
Jin Suga Factory *jin and suga* | @jnsfactory (tumblr)
Keep Going *jhope suga* | @keepgoing_bts
Make Me Glossy | @MakeMeGlossy
Marshmallow *jin and suga* | @marshmallow9293
Miracles9293 *Jin Suga* | @miracles9293
Mischievous Sugar | @mischievous0309
Mr.309 | @_Mr309 REST
Muse | @BTS930309_com
My Best Musician | @MBM_Suga
My Sweet Golden | @mysweetgolden
Peach Blossom | @SUGAV_NET REST
Real Recognize Real | @MINREALSUGA
Shooting Boy | @shootingboy_sg
Show Me! | @sgshowme
Spring Suga | @spring_suga
SUGA Attraction | @SUGAattraction
Suga Maximum | @Suga_Maximum
Suga Port | @Sugarport_0309
Su Can Fly | @suga930309com
SuStar | @SuStar39
Sweet Strike! | @sweetstrike_
※ J-Hope
218 | @218_Jhope
Brilliant Violet | @_violet218
Chubby Puppy | @CHUBBYPUPPY94
Dear Hope | @DearHOPE94
First Crush | @First_Crush218
Gene of Hope | @geneofHOPE
Ho!B | @HO_B0218 (inactive)
HOPEfulMINutes *jimin jhope* | @hopefulminutes
Hope’s Miraculous | @Miraculous_Hope
HopeSmiling | @HopeSmiling0218
Hope Tree | @19940218_net
Hope World | @19940218_com
Hopin’ | @19940218in
Haebalagi | @Haebalagi_2018
Hope in Love | @HOPEINS2
J-Hope Star | @jhopestar (REST- still pretty active though?)
Keep Going *jhope suga* | @keepgoing_bts
Lilas Hope | @Lilas_hope
Punchline | @x940218x
Swag Boys! *rapmon jhope* | @swagboys94
※ RapMon
Beautiful Dark Twisted | @rapmonster_net
Chapter 912 | @Chapter912
Citrus of September *Rapmon Jeongguk* | @Citrus_Sep
Hide and Seek | @rapmonnet
Just, Like | @BTS_t_t
Keep Rockin’ | @_keeprockin
Love, Guyz | @luv_guyz_BTS
Limited Edition | @limited_RM
Monster Mania | @199412mon
Minimoni *Rapmon Jimin* | @MINIAMONI
BORN TO SEXY | @0613_0912_com
Satellite | @19940912_com
Spectrum | @Hegemony9412
Supia | @RM_Supia
Swag Boys! *rapmon jhope*| @swagboys94
Too Much | @toomuch_RM
※ Jimin
Awesome 95 *jimin v* | @awesome_95s
Addiction | @addiction1013
AfterImage | @afterimage95
COMMAND! | @command1013 REST
Honeywater | @honeywater_jm
HOPEfulMINutes *jimin jhope* | @hopefulminutes
Grand Bleu | @grandbleu1013
JamJam | @parkjamjam_kr
J of October | @j_of_october
Jiminade | @jiminade_
Killing Groove | @jm19951013_com
Mellow J | @mellow_951013
MINingful Moment | @miningfulmoment
Minimoni *Rapmon Jimin* | @MINIAMONI
Mint P | @0613_1013_com
MIX MATCH *V and Jimin* | @MIXMATCH95
Mystic | @Mystic_951013
Mystic Feel | @25_jimin
Petit Prince *Jimin V Jeongguk* @Petit_prince3
Poco a poco | @poco_jimin
Some | @951013SOME
Soulmate Jimin | @19951013_net
Spotlight on Jimin | @spotlight951013
Vitamin *Jimin and V* | @VitaMIN_95
Yo! PJM | @yo_pjm_com
Zeronine | @jimina_kr
시월의선물 | @see_sun95
두소년 | @twoboys_vm
※ Taehyung
12시30분 | @V12_30
At The Moment | @kimtaetaeV_V REST
Awesome 95 *jimin v* | @awesome_95s
Baby V | @babyv1230
Be Ma Bebe | @taehyung_net
Berry in the Muffin *v jeongguk* | @berrymuffin9597
Cheese??V!! | @btscheeseV
Chu?Chu!Chu♡ *Suga V and Jeongguk* | @939597_chu
Cosmic Bloom *Jin and V* | @JINVcom
Code Name V | @0613_1230_com (inactive)
Crazy Play | @crazyplay1230
Eh Eh V | @EHEH_V
HaruHaru | @haru951230 REST
Heart of V | @S2ofV
Limelight | @limelight_v
King of the Heart | @king_oftheheart
Man of the Match | @V_ManOftheMatch
MIX MATCH *V and Jimin* | @MIXMATCH95
Night Breeze @TAETAEcokr REST
Peach Blossom | @SUGAV_NET
Petit Prince *Jimin V Jeongguk* @Petit_prince3
Pure Boy | @TO_PureBoy
Readymade V | @readymade_v
Runningtime V | @runningtime_v
Sweetest Choco *V and Jeongguk* | @_sweetchoVJK [REST]
TaehyungA | @TaehyungA_com
TaeTae Land (video) @TAETAELAND
To My Darling | @TO_MY_DARLINGV
Twinkle Star @Twinklestar1230
Vcember | @Vcember1230
Velicitas | @Velicitas1230
Vitamin *Jimin and V* | @VitaMIN_95
Vcause | @Vcause951230
V Ma Best | @19951230net
VMABOY | @Vmaboy_95
V Mine | @v_mine_net
VStar | @V_star95
VTaeTaeKook (video) | @vtt_kook
Vivid Virus (Video) | @VividVirus_V
Winter Glow | @winterglow95
※ Jungkook
Backspace | @backspace0901
Berry in the Muffin *v jeongguk* | @berrymuffin9597
Blanc Blanc | @blancblanc_0901
Chu?Chu!Chu♡ *Suga V Jungkook* | @939597_chu
Citrus of September *Rapmon Jeongguk* | @Citrus_Sep
Direct Kill | @DirectKill
Eternal Stop | @ETERNALSTOP
Eighteen | @eighteenjk
Fortune | @kook_19970901
GoldRabbit | @GoldRabbit_0901
Handmade Cookie | @cotton_jk
Happy Bunny | @HAPPYBUNNY_JK
Hi, Spring | @hi_springjk
I’m Your Nuna | @iamyour970901
KOOKIERUN | @0613_0901_com
Kookparazzi | @KOOKPARAZZI
Kimbap Jungkook | @19970901_JK
Little Golden | @LittleGolden97
Loved My Dear | @Mydear_kook
oneday_ | @bts_ii
Petit Prince *Jimin V Jeongguk* | @Petit_prince3
Red Blossom | @RedBlossom_jk
Romantic Page | @RomanticPage901
SHINE BRIGHT | @SB_19970901
Snow Peach | @JUNGKOOKcokr
Stick With You | @StickwitU_jk
Sweetest Choco *V Jeongguk* | @_sweetchoVJK [REST]
Two J | @Twoj_0529
VTaeTaeKook (video) | @vtt_kook
Your Nation | @oyurnation_jk
WarmStar | @WarmStar_JK
Wild For the Night | @19970901cokr
OT7 tu apa? Account social apps ke
ReplyDeleteasalnya OTP iaitu singkatan untuk One True Pairing. Instead of minat seorang je, ni list fansite yang minat semua ketujuh-tujuh member, so OT7.
DeleteJadi, kalau minat DBSK masa berlima tu OT5, kalau Super Junior masa 12 member OT12 dan seterusnya
welcome! true. they are more relevant than ever nowadays