Title: The Villagers (2018)
Duration: 1.39h
Genre: Action Thriller
The story follows Yeok Gi-cheol (Ma Deong Seok) a former boxing champion. After a misunderstanding, he cant compete or be a boxing coach. His sister got him a job as a teacher in a village. From the first day, he find the people in the village kinda emotional and hard to approach.
Other than being a PE Teacher, his job is to make sure student settle their school fee. He found a student named Kang Yoo Jin (Kim Sae-ron) to ask her to settle her school fee or she cant graduate. He also ask if she know a student named Han Soo Yeon who also didn't pay her school fee.
Thats when he know that a school girl is missing and the only 2 people concern about that is her grandmother and friend. The school teacher all thought she ran away from home and didnt bet an eye.
Mr Yeok follow Yoo Jin when she went into a night club to ask anyone if they saw her friend. Mr Yeok save her from the gang inside the club and realized there is a bigger problem. They are not dealing with a missing school girl but also underage prostitution, illegal drug, corruption, molka (hidden camera) etc.
In helping Yoo Jin to uncover the mystery of her missing friend, they both almost got killed but at the end they know the truth of their teacher, the school and the police.
My Take
First lets talk about the actors. This is like my own Ma Dong Seok marathon after #kmovie Champion and his character is still the big kinda awkard teacher but good at heart. Kim Saeron acting also very good as she mature more. I also like other side actor who play their role well especially all the villains.
They really use Ma ability to fight and punch people and things in here too, which is always fun to watch. Fighting scene and action scene were nicely shot and not too much to take away the mysterious and thriller.
I think the earlier scene does not really needed, they can just jump to the missing girl. But well, they did it to confused us I think but it dont really serve important purpose.
The story had interesting and serious issue that they want to tackle but didnt have enough time. So I think thats why many thing didnt get proper buildup with not enough background story. The suspense is there but not enough time to develop the story more.
But one thing I hate in a thriller is when it become predictable especially after we know how serious they show the issue and the people involved in it. Not enough thrill for a thriller movie I say. As for the ending, its a little abrupt to end just like that..like noooo it cant just be like that, show us more!
Nice acting, enough action and mystery eventhough it rush to end the story. Still grab your attention until the last scene.
What do you guys think? Share your opinion with us in the comment section, would love to hear from you too.
Till them, adios