Title: Champion (2018) Duration: 1.48h Synopsis Mark (Ma Dong-seok) is former arm wrestler champion in America who ends up working as a bouncer & a guard to support his life. His friend Jin-ki (Kwon Yul), convinces him to go back to Korea and compete there. Besides wanting to be a champion again, Mark also wants to find his mother who gave him up for adoption. He found his mother house only to learn that his mom already pass away. He never knew he had a step sister but happy to find his family again. He also agrees to compete in a championship again to prove his worth. Unknown to him, his friend Jinki who is also his agent used him to make a deal with a bookie. Not only that, he also learned the truth about his family from his mom email. He felt betrayed both by his friend & family. Later he still enters the national tournament to redeem himself back & get the strength to tell his true feelings to his late mom. My Take I like the ca...